Term and Conditions

Term & Conditions – All of these terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for using Thetravelviews website.

By accessing this website we assume that you accept these terms and conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS STATED ON THIS WEB PAGE, DO NOT CONTINUE TO USE THIS WEBSITE REFERRING TO TOURISM.


You can get your own membership on our website. I hereby declare that none of your personal data will be used for any other purposes.

You can create your own personal accounts on this website. You consent to our temporary collection of your information.

We do not want to use your information for any reason, but if you want, you can subscribe your email address so that you can immediately know every comment posted on our website.

This website is a website created to tell about tourist sites in countries that promote tourism like India and Sri Lanka.

I also guarantee that it will help children and girls to improve their knowledge about tourist sites.

Sharing of wrong comments and content about other sites to this website is strictly prohibited. In particular, we consider posting unnecessary links in comments as a punishable offense.

Things not to do on this website.

  • You are not permitted to reproduce any postings posted on our website.
  • Sharing their links through comments is strictly not allowed.
  • Copying photos or videos from our website without our permission is a punishable offence.

What to do?

If you want to use our website recordings, you can do so with our permission.

You can share with our permission why you want to re post our post to this email address thetravelviews.e@gmail.com. Especially if you get our permission.

Thank you…

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